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Aetna Long Term Disability Insurance Attorney

Disability insurance protects employees from loss of income when they become disabled and are unable to work. The disability may be caused by accident, injury or illness. At the beginning, you receive short term disability benefits. After a period of time, usually 6 months (but can very from 3 to 24 months), you are eligible to receive Long Term Disability insurance benefits.

This money is important for employees who need money to take care of themselves and their family.

Unfortunately, sometimes insurance companies like Aetna refuse to pay benefits for disabled employees who are entitled to the benefits. That is where the Disability Legal Center steps in. We represent employees when their disability benefits were wrongfully denied, delayed, or terminated by Aetna.

Aetna Denies or Terminates Long Term Disability Benefits

Aetna advertises their disability insurance products as a way of “Protecting members when they’re unable to work.” They also promise, “Our plans allow members to have income protection when they need it and help them get back to work as soon as it’s medically safe to do so.”

Like many insurance companies, Aetna does not live up to its own words. All too often Aetna policyholders are complaining their benefits were denied or terminated.

Aetna Long Term Disability Appeals Attorney

Disabled employees are shocked and dismayed when they apply for the long term disability benefits they need and deserve. Aetna places insurmountable hurdles in front of employees in need, in order to deny their application for LTD benefits. They will use any excuse, no matter how flimsy, to deny benefits so they may boost their profit margin.

Aetna will request an unreasonable number documents and evidence, and deny your claim if you don’t fulfill each request. Aetna has earned a reputation for denying initial applications, claiming they were missing information or documentation. Understandably, policyholders are very upset or downright angry at Aetna for their delays and denials.

This is why it is important to have a skilled long term disability attorney on your team. An attorney will explain to you why Aetna denied your claim, and how to fight back and win your appeal.

Successful Appeal of Aetna LTD Claim Denial

I know insurance companies. Fighting them is all I do. At the end of the day, insurance companies are in business to make money. In order to maximize profits, they need to take in as much premium money as they can, while paying out as little claim benefits as they can.

But this makes it tough for disabled employees such as you. You thought you were covered by a long term disability insurance policy. You and/or your employer paid premiums on this policy, just in case you needed it in the future. Aetna took your money each month. Yet when it comes time to apply for LTD benefits, they delay and deny.

It’s a very simple business model. And it helps explain why Aetna may deny benefits to even the best prepared disability claims.

Aetna LTD Appeal Attorney

Mr. Dang can appeal the denial or termination of Aetna LTD benefits. We will help you:

  • Review the denial of your LTD benefits
  • Gather medical records and other evidence
  • Direct you to future medical care that will bolster your case
  • Complete your appeal package
  • File your LTD appeal within the allowed time limits
  • If necessary, file and prepare your ERISA lawsuit in federal court

The Disability Legal Center is here to represent you in claims against Aetna for long term disability insurance. Contact our office online, or call us at (866) JOE-DANG or (866) 563-3264 to schedule your free case review or to discuss your claim.

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